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12019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. September 19-22, 2017, at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.Ressource en ligne
22016 History and Pedagogy of Mathematics: july 18-22 2016, Montpellier, France. Proceedings of the 2016 ICME Satellite Meeting.Ressource en ligne
32011 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University (ESU 6). From Rome to Rome : events, people, and numbers during ICMI's first century. p. 597-613.Ressource en ligne
42011 History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of the Sixth European Summer University (ESU 6). The role of the history and epistemology of mathematics in teachers treaining. p. 27-46.Ressource en ligne
52006 Proceedings of HPM 2004 & ESU 4: ICME 10 Satellite Meeting of the HPM Group & Fourth European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, 12 - 17 July 2004, Uppsala, Sweden.Ressource en ligne
61995 Histoire et épistémologie dans l'éducation mathématique. History and mathematics teaching in Italy: A glorious past, an uncertain present, A promising future. p. 291-292.Ressource en ligne